Man, have we been busy lately. I should have written this one at least a couple of weeks ago, but we have not stopped to take a breath. We are selling our house at the moment and we needed to get it ready, and get ourselves ready for the move. Lots of things that had to be done, including downsizing. It's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate over the course of eight years. So we took a hard look at what we had vs what we needed and let go of a lot of it.
Now we are on to the next adventure. We are going to go straight up tiny house. Most people, including pretty much everyone in both our families, think we are crazy. And they might be right. But if crazy means I don't have a mortgage to pay and I get to travel and do more things with my family, well then sign my up for the looney bin.
I'm realizing that this rat race we are all in kind of sucks. Trying to keep up with the Jonese just flat out blows. Maybe it's just me getting older, I don't know. The why doesn't matter nearly as much as the how. As in how I want to live the rest of my life here on earth. What I don't want is to wake up 15 years from now to a finally paid off mortgage, kids that are living their own life, and 10 more years of hard work to make sure I can retire at some point. Then spend a few years living on a fixed income before I give up the ghost. Sounds like a life plan I don't really want to be involved in.
Now, don't get me wrong, I've pretty much followed the plan laid out above for the first 44 years of my life. But I'm starting to finally figure out what is really important. Recently a guy I knew in high school died. He was a couple years older than me, but still, it's hard to accept that I'm now at an age when people I know (including me if I'm being honest) can and will start passing away. It's kind of a tough pill to swallow, but at the same time a really necessary one.
We all get stuck in out grooves and routines. I think it's kind of human nature to get comfortable and just go with it. I can attest to the fact that comfort somehow makes time speed up. Before we know it twenty years have gone by and we have some good memories that we wouldn't trade.
For me I can make time slow down. I've done it before, but it only happens when I'm on vacation and I have absolutely no one to answer to and no schedule to keep. Those days seem to drag on forever without a care in the world. That's the kind of life I'm shooting for, so I have to build my life around that goal. It's only taken 44 years to get my head on straight, not bad considering some people never make it to that realization.
There is no time like the present.