My day has been terrible.
My day sucked.
Worst day of my life.
I seem to hear that more and more these days. Not that I'm arguing with them. How would I know what kind of day they are having. But it seems to be a prevalent thought with the people I know and work with.
Oddly enough, no matter how much the day sucks, it's still only 24 hours long. The day will end at some point, no matter how bad it has been. A new day will start and your attitude will either start new with it, or the old one will carry over. It's your choice really.
Now I know that there are truly some shitty days, weeks, months and even years. Horrible stuff happens to people all the time. But the people who get through those dark times seem to be the ones who are more optimistic that the light they see isn't a train. They somehow keep their nose just above the water and keep working towards the shore.
Those people I have to admire. They seem to have an innate ability to embrace the crappy mess they are in, while realizing that it's only temporary. They seem to understand that they only have control over their reaction to circumstance. Not resignation per se, more of a deeper understanding of their own thoughts and the consequences that they bring.
Humans are funny creatures in my experience. When we are relaxed and happy time seems to fly by. When our lives have gone to hell each and every second seems like an eternity. At some point, as I grow older, I wonder if that isn't some kind of biological programming to help us survive. Budhists believe that living in the moment is the key to happiness. One would think they may have that right. If only we could get our brains to swap the time flies happiness with the eternity sucking downside. Maybe we can if we just focus on it. I don't know.
What I do know is that there are 7 billion people on this planet. At any time at least 1 billion are probably having a shitty day. Some way shittier that I could ever imagine. And I am grateful for not being one of them.