Sometimes you have to make due with what you have. It may be harder, take longer and in general be a huge pain in the ass. But there are going to be times in life when it is just going to be what it is. And, to be totally honest, there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.
I've been in that situation for a little while now. I've had to learn the quirks and personalities of things that should not have an ounce of either. But there I was, talking to inanimate objects like they could hear me. If someone actually saw me they would have been tempted to call the authorities. And off to the loony bin I would have went. Oddly enough, those things could get the whole range of emotions out of me. From rage to quiet resignation and everything in between.
But just recently I got an upgrade. Not the one I really wanted, but one that would help considerably. I was ecstatic. Finally I wouldn't be banging my head against the wall. Finally I had some new tech that would alleviate my frustration. Or so I thought.
That's the funny part about mixing the old and the new. The problems that I was having simply disappeared. And for a brief moment all was right with the universe. But then problems I could not have imagined started to pop up. And I was straight back to talking like a mad man. All I can say is thank god for youtube and message boards. It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one who has these issues. Oh, and now I can at least try a few things to regain my sanity.
I see the point in all of this of course. Just because it's new doesn't mean that it's going to make everything better. It's just new, not a magic wand.
I think this is where we get all wound up in our society. We all want new. Thinking that it will solve all of our problems. We want the bright shiny penny. But it really doesn't make a difference in the end. New won't get rid of our problems. It won't placate our demons. It's just new.
So next time I'll have high hopes that new will be helpful. But I'll check my enthusiasm with the knowledge that it may just be new problems.
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