Tuesday, September 25, 2018


This whole supreme court nomination process has taken a horrible turn for the worse.  For all parties involved, more than likely.

Here we have a woman who has come forward with an accusation (I won't get into the second accusation.  Once you dig into that it has a whole lot of holes in the story).  Everything in the way she has acted to this point seems to follow the pattern of someone who has suffered a sexual assault.  Brett Cavanaugh is nominated, and in good conscience she submits a letter to her representative in congress that details out her experience.  Not the way I may have done it, but in todays political climate I can't blame her for choosing that route. 

The nominee denies it outright.  There is no evidence that someone could dig up from 36 years ago that would be credible.  The person who she said was there stated that he has no recollection of the event.  Women he has been associated with all his life, from romantic interests to co-workers, have come forward enmasse to state that he never acted that way towards them.  Ever.  So it comes down to a he said/she said.  Except we might get the chance to look them in the eye while they tell us the story.  Might.....

The real problem with this whole situation is that it's become political.  Both sides are playing with the MeToo movement on this one, and it's a really shitty thing to do.

The senator who received the letter waited 6 weeks to bring it up.  6 WEEKS.  Almost all the way through the confirmation process.  Why you ask?  Simple, they are stalling for time.  They are hoping that they come away with control of the house during the mid term elections.  Then they can pull the republicans game of stalling and not completing the process  until they get a nominee that they want.  So we had 6 weeks of time that went by and during that time nothing was investigated, and no questions were asked.  They waited until the time suited them best and dropped the bomb.

The republicans who are in charge of the committee are being just as hypocritical.  I know that time is supposedly short on this for them, but it's a nomination to the supreme court.  It's important, really important.  They are going to have a circus style hearing that will included testimony from both of them.  We all know where it's going to lead, and where it will end.  He will get the vote from the committee and it will move the the Senate.  And he will be confirmed.

The shame of it is we, as a people, should have demanded a closer look.  We should have expected that there would have been people who attended those schools during that time period to be interviewed.  We, no matter which side of the isle your on, should expect to be able to discern the truth.

I don't know if something happened or not.  I'm inclined to believe that something happened to that woman.  Her actions and reactions add up to someone who has experienced trauma.

But is that enough to ruin a mans career.  Have we jumped the shark so far that the accusation without any evidence is enough to convict a man in the  court of public opinion?

I guess we will find out soon enough.

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