Another birthday, come and gone. I'm 45 now. It is strange to think about that number while I still have vivid mermories of my childhood. I guess I am fortunate I haven't suffered a midlife crisis.
Now that I've hit the half way mark ( at least ) I'm starting to wonder what's next for me personally. I still have two kids to raise and bill to pay. Nothing has changed in that realm of life. But time is running a little short for me if I really want to start something new.
Don't misunderstand me, I have a pretty good life that I'm grateful for. Great wife, great kids (most of the time ), good job. We're not struggling to pay the bills. But what's next? I don't know that I've hit the pinnacle in my professional life, but I can say with certainty that there is not a lot left for me to be exposed to in my job. I had the good fortune to have worked on a multitude of different projects, and in doing so learned enough skills to feel comfortable being able to figure out pretty much anything.
I guess the question I've been asking myself is "Is my job really what I want to be doing?". Given the option of not worrying about money, I wouldn't be doing my job. Or I would be doing a very small sector of my job that I still find fun and challenging. So I guess that answers that question, doesn't it.
The hard question I can't answer right now, is what would I do if I could just wake up tomorrow and pick something new. I don't have an answer for that . I've been doing the same thing for so long that it's hard for my head to get out of its own way, and look for that spark. First world problems, I know.
I have been trying a few new things. I am rebuilding a 45 foot travel trailer from the 1950s. That's been a challenge of epic proportions. I have learned a lot of new skills, and developed a substantial amount of patience throughout this endeavor. And if I'm being honest, I have really enjoyed it. But is this something I want to continue to pursue as a hobby? Or as a secondary income source? I don't know. And that answer is maddening.
At 45 I'm still searching for new things that excite me. The fact that I can still do that is a blessing.
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