Tuesday, January 2, 2018

To the New Year

Well, here we are again.  Another year has come and gone.  Some of us are likely glad it's over and some of us are probably thinking it was a pretty good year.  It all depends on your perspective I suppose.

It has been a pretty wild ride this year though.  Depending on which news you read  the sky was either falling, or we were heading straight back to the glory days.  I tend to think it was more in the middle than either of those extremes, but you decide for yourself.

One thing is for certain, in spite of all the negative news, people still did amazing things.  Kids in need were adopted,  people showed up to help each other after natural disasters, and uncountable other great deeds were done this year by good old human beings.  Don't get me wrong, I am well aware of all the shitty stuff that happened.  I am just going to choose to not focus on that.  I'm focusing on all the good, mainly because I feel a lot better when I do.

So here is to the new year.  I wish for you and yours to have hope.  Hope for all of us.  Hope that those amazing humans that selflessly help others, and make this planet a better place, continue to do so.  Hope that their spirit, dignity, and humility is infectious and that all of us catch a little bit of it.

Here is to happiness.  Find the things that bring joy to your life.  Chase down those dreams until you have captured them and made them a reality.  Or, dig yourself out of the rut you are in and give yourself enough space to actually have a dream or two.  Let go of the past that is weighing you down, you can't change it.  Resolve yourself to be just a little happier, and see where that takes you.

And finally, here is to prosperity.  However you define it.  Be grateful for what you have and be open to what may come your way.  And, if by chance, you end of with a little extra, don't be afraid to be an amazing human being.  You can always help someone with a little bit of hope.

Until the next one.

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